
Reports To: The Research Support Officer will report to the Scientific Director.

Job Overview: The Research Support Officer supports all the Institute’s research activities under the responsibility of the Institute’s Scientific Director and in collaboration with all the Institute’s departments and research groups.

Responsibilities and Duties:

Under the supervision of the Scientific Director of the Institute, she/he is responsible for supporting, developing and promoting the research activities of the Institute, which include:

  • Investigating and identifying research funding opportunities to inform the Institute’s researchers.
  • Providing support in the preparation, writing and submission of proposals for research program funding.
  • Monitoring the progress of the Institute’s research groups and research programs/projects and writing and or reviewing related progress reports.
  • Providing support in the development and implementation of policies, standards and research procedures (including health and safety standards), as well as quality control to be followed by the Institute.
  • Managing purchases and contracts for research/laboratory equipment and laboratory consumables and supplies.
  • Providing administrative support to the Research Committee, the International Scientific Advisory Board and other Committees that will be assigned to him/her.
  • Providing material to be posted on the CCRI website and social media, for the purposes of informing, promoting and disseminating the Institute’s research activities.
  • Providing support in the organization of research conferences, meetings, educational seminars and events of the Institute.
  • Providing support to the researchers on matters related to the operation of the laboratories.
  • Maintaining records of laboratory processes and equipment and generating reports to submit to the relevant senior manager.
  • Collecting and analyzing data and information related to Cancer Research / Technology / Innovation.
  • Perform any other related duties assigned to him/her.

Required Qualifications:

Education level:

  • University degree in Biology or Biomedical Sciences or Biology related field.
  • Master’s degree in biology or biomedical sciences or business administration.


  • At least 3 years’ experience in areas relevant to the duties and responsibilities of the position and job description.

Fluency in English and Greek is essential.
Excellent knowledge of the use of computers, e-mail and the Internet

Other Skills

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
  • Ability to work under pressure and effectively manage multiple tasks.
  • Confidentiality, professionalism, strong work ethic and trustworthiness.

Will be considered as an advantage:

1. More than 3 Years of work experience relevant to the duties of the position
2. Experience and/or qualifications in project management/grant management.

Employment Type: Permanent, Full time

The approved salary scale for the position is A8 – A10 – A11.
The placement of the successful candidate will be on the first step of A8 scale (the basic annual gross salary of the position (including 13th salary) amounts to € 23.885 (A8/1st – 10%))
Any general increases and indexation allowance of the same amount and under the same conditions, as in the case of employees in the Public Sector are added to the basic salary of the position.

Provident Fund is provided.

Deadline for the Submission of applications: 31 January 2025.

In the case of shortlisted candidates, the HR Department may request from the candidates to submit contact details for the provision of References.

Application Procedure:
All applicants should submit a:
1. Curriculum Vitae (CV).
2. Cover letter explaining fitness to the job vacancy and stating the date when he/she may be able to assume duties in the event of selection.

All applications should be submitted via email at mentioning the job position code: CCRI24JP2417 with email Subject: “Application [full name] for the position code CCRI24JP2417”

It should be noted that based on the Equal Treatment of Men and Women in Employment and Vocational Law 2002, men and women enjoy equal treatment prohibited from any direct or indirect discrimination based on gender. As such, positions are contested on equal terms for both sexes.

Contact Information:
Cyprus Cancer Research Institute (C.C.R.I.)
CCRI “Nicola David – Pinedo Building”
1 University Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22 033000

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